Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Thing 9: "Play Random Album" Feature

I don't listen to nearly as much music as I used to. Myself, I think the reason for this is that I have too much music. My music library has grown exponentially in the last few years, and looking through my collection without defaulting to a few favorites is a daunting mental task I don't always feel like undertaking. Customized internet radio stations like Last.fm or Pandora don't reliably produce content I want to listen to.

I wish all music-playing platforms had a Play Random Album button predominantly displayed--and most specifically, I wish my Sonos had this, both for the local music library and the Rhapsody streaming music library.

I can't imagine adding that feature is so very hard.


  1. I think playlist generators would also be easy to build into both Sonos and Rhapsody, using technology from the Echo Nest. See http://musicmachinery.com/2011/05/14/how-good-is-googles-instant-mix/ for how much is possible.

  2. I never trust playlist generators; they never seem to give me something I want to listen to. Although I don't think I've tried Echo Nest's specifically.
