I have a friend who just had a baby a couple weeks ago; she says one of her unexpected favorite gifts has been the itzbeen baby care timer. It's a series of one-touch timers that tracks time slept, time since last feeding, diaper, etc. Which is cool and useful, but doesn't go very far, since when you reset the stopwatch the data is lost. Checking it into a spreadsheet at least, and a useful visualization at best, would allow it to answer questions like, how is the baby's feeding schedule changing? When is the tiny human most likely to be asleep, or awake? Making the data exportable would be cool for consulting with lactation experts, pediatricians, etc.
Ideally, of course, this should be a mobile app as well as actual hardware--the actual hardware could be given to occasional caregivers, while the mobile app would decrease the amount of Stuff that primary caregivers would need to haul around.
This is so obvious I bet it already exists--but I couldn't find it.
I just happened to come across something like this while browsing the top paid apps on Android. Look for Baby ESP.