Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Thing 13: Belongings Shelf in Medical Rooms

I've spent a lot of time the last few days in medical rooms of various sorts--ER rooms, imaging rooms, regular doctor's examination rooms. And one thing they never, ever have is a place for the patient to put their belongings: purse, shoes when you get weighed, clothes when they come off. So you keep them in your lap, put them on a chair or under a chair. It kinda sucks. And I'm sure it's inefficient--I've managed to keep all my bits, but what if you get transferred while unconscious? What if something on the floor trips medical personnel in an emergency?

So this is today's thing that should exist: A small shelf or cubby, specifically for patient belongings. There's enough wall space in pretty much every room I've seen that this shouldn't be a logistical problem. It should just happen.

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